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A podcast for the Fitness Community

Hosts Jeff and Kyle sit down with the most influential trainers and gym owners in the fitness community. Listen to how your favorite trainer or gym owner found success in the fitness industry as well as their best advice and tips on achieving your ideal physique.

Home: Welcome

Jeff Wasserman & Kyle Comes

Jeff and Kyle have worked within the supplement and fitness community for over 25 years combined with local company, Supplement Superstores. From working in a retail location, climbing the ranks in the company, and finally opening their 7th store in Kansas City, they have made some life long friends and connections with local trainers, gym owners, and influential people in the community. We started the Protein Bro's Podcast to share the stories with the friends we have made, and give you some insight on the fitness community from a business perspective, along with sharing fun stories, fitness tips, and giving you a better understanding on how some of the biggest names in the industry have failed a hundred times before they were able to make fitness a business.

Home: Bio

Podcast Application

If you or anyone you know would like to be on the podcast, fill this out and we will email you an application to complete for us to review! Thank you for your time and interest.

Thanks for submitting!

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